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What are your PR and social media plans for 2018? Book on to a FREE course to get them kick started.
30 Nov 2017
by Kirsty Smallman

Don’t miss out – get yourself booked in on our 2018 courses – it really is FREE!It was brilliant to see so many business owners, marketing managers and sales representatives in the room eager to learn more.

We helped them face their fears (It wasn’t quite I’m a Celebrity but yes some people are still terrified of the world of social media!) I quote one course delegate “I hate it!” (Social media in general and not our course!) We hoped she found a little bit of love for social media by the end – for the sake of her business!

Others wanted to find out if what they were doing was right – as with so many employees they started off in one role and have had the “social media” or “PR” added to their job role despite their lack of qualifications, knowledge or experience.

So what did we cover?

  • Key messages – what are they?
  • Target audience – who is it?
  • Networking – how to do it and where?
  • Events – how to host them and why?
  • PR – what is public relations?
  • Photography and video – why and how?
  • The website – how should it be used?
  • Blogs – why do we do them and how?
  • Case studies – who and why?
  • Let’s get social – which social media platforms are right for you, why and how?
  • How do I write a press release?
  • What is a PR plan?
  • What is a blog plan?
  • What is a social media schedule?
  • Social media platforms.

Here’s some of the feedback from our attendees:

“The trainers managed to engage well with a large group with varying degrees of knowledge.”

“It was good to increase my confidence in social media… fast paced but relevant.”

“Lots of practical tips to remind me to keep track.”

“Two experts who really knew their stuff and covered it really well. Thank you.”

“Good overview on social media posting and what we should use.”

What are the dates of our Digital PR and Social Media courses in 2018?

  • February 14th (how romantic!)
  • April 26th
  • May 24th
  • June 26th

If you can’t wait until then then have a look at the full programme of courses including a “setting your social strategy” and a full day course on each platform – Facebook, Twitter or Linked In with the lovely Hollie Whittles.

You can download the full programme of FREE training here https://www.shropshire-chamber.co.uk/training/100-funded-training/

So who can access our free courses?

If you are an SME with fewer than 250 full-time equivalent members of staff and you are based in the Marches area, the Chamber is able to offer you 100% funding for the training courses including sales, leadership, on-line marketing (our digital PR and social media course along with a great programme of one day courses on your strategy and one day courses on each social platform) and health and safety.

We are looking forward to working with some of yesterday’s course delegates in our two-hour one-to-one mentoring sessions (£99 + VAT) where we can really focus on what their business needs and their specific strengths and weaknesses when it comes to PR and social media.

To find out more about any of our training call Kirsty on 01952 567819 (it’s good to talk!) or email Kirsty@jandpr.com.

To book onto the Chamber courses email Ruth at r.ross@shropshire-chamber.co.uk