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Telford restaurant builds links between Muslim and non-Muslim communities
13 Mar 2016
by Simon Alton

A restaurant in Telford is joining a national initiative to build links between Muslim and non-Muslim communities by hosting a special celebratory meal later this year.

Mimosa, in Southwater, is getting involved with the Dine at Mine project, which encourages Muslim families to invite a non-Muslim friend or neighbour to enjoy a meal with them at the end of Ramadan.

Last year, hundreds of families across the UK joined in the event, organised by the Islamic Society of Britain, and managers at Mimosa said they were pleased to be involved this time around.

Bala Chandra, restaurant manager, said: “We recently introduced a new menu which is Halal-friendly, so we are a popular eating establishment with the Muslim community.

“The traditional feast celebrating the end of Ramadan is always a big event for Muslim families, so we thought it would be a great idea to host our own ‘Dine at Mine’ meal here at Mimosa.

“The Dine at Mine initiative is a fantastic way for communities to learn about each other and enjoy each other’s company, and of course eat some great food, so we are delighted to join in.

“We will be encouraging customers from the Muslim and non-Muslim communities to come along to Mimosa on July 5 to celebrate the end of Ramadan together.”

Dine at Mine was introduced by the Islamic Society of Britain in 2013 and has grown every year since then.

It was inspired by the Muslim culture of food and hospitality, and has been hugely successful at bringing communities together and expanding people’s understanding of the Muslim faith.

Organisers say Dine at Mine aims to “build bridges between neighbours from all walks of life through love, conversation and good food”.

For more information about Mimosa, contact the restaurant on 01952 200001 or visit the website at www.mimosarestaurants.com

 Head chef Raj Kumar, supervisor Julia Avilova and restaurant manager Bala Chandra.

Head chef Raj Kumar, supervisor Julia Avilova and restaurant manager Bala Chandra.