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Shropshire hotel staff give backing to historic race
09 Mar 2017
by Kirsty Smallman

Staff at a Telford hotel today gave their backing to an historic race run by schoolchildren across the borough by offering to sponsor the event with free refreshments.

Buckatree Hall general manager Wayne Jenson, Wellington Mayor Phil Morris Jones, and Bayley Mile organisers Caroline Mulvihill and Jim Mostyn.

Buckatree Hall, at the bottom of the Wrekin, has pledged its support for this year’s Bayley Mile event, taking place on May 17 from 12pm to 2.30pm.

The team – who also sponsored the drinks for 2016’s race – will be located on the Wellington Leisure Centre (Swimming Pool East) car park handing out refreshments to all the children taking part in the mile-long run.

First held in the 1930s, the Bayley Mile was revived 21 years ago and sees runners taking part from schools across Telford – with Paralympian Mickey Bushell MBE handing out the medals at last year’s 20th anniversary event.

After the children have finished their run, there is an open race at the end of the day for anyone else who would like to take part.

Buckatree general manager Wayne Jenson said: “Everyone at the hotel is passionate about getting involved in community events.

“The Bayley Mile is a fantastic event and the organisers work extremely hard prior to the event and also on the day.

“It encourages fun, fitness and community spirit and that is a great thing to be involved with.

“As a local business we believe it’s our duty to give something back, and being just down the road from Wellington means the Bayley Mile is a perfect event for us to sponsor.

“We’d like to encourage as many residents as possible to come out on the day and support the children running this race – and get involved in the open run at the end.

“We’re keen to get involved in even more charity and community events this year so we’ll be on the lookout for anything we can help with in 2017.”

Any schools interested in taking part in the council-run event should call Caroline on 01952 567696 or email caroline.mulvihill@telford.gov.uk.

Visit www.buckatreehallhotel.com/ or call 01952 641 821 for more information about the Buckatree Hall Hotel.