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Shropshire follows in Google’s footsteps
26 May 2016
by Rhea Alton

Google offers standing desks as part of its employee-wellness program. That means that any employee looking out for his or her health can choose to work at a standing desk.

Facebook has hundreds of employees using standing desks and says that standing tables keep the energy level high in the office.

But it is not just the huge corporate companies and the London-based head offices that are all over this trend – Shropshire Council, Shropdoc, Shrewsbury-based Caradoc Medical Services and a number of the region’s GP practices and housing associations now have staff working at Varidesks.

Peter Masters, business manager at buying consortium Caradoc Medical Services, said: “We created the consortium to maximise savings for GP surgery and business members, and increase profitability through enhanced buying terms and money saving ideas.

“Providing products and packages that encourage happy staff makes savings due to a lack of staff turnover and a reduction in sickness and absenteeism but also increases productivity, which helps increase income and achievements.

“Many people do think Varidesks and other employee benefits are only for the likes of companies such as Google and Facebook but we have supplied the desks to dozens of smaller, regional businesses.”

The trend began to emerge quite a few years ago after it came to light in many press reports and company analysis that if staff wellbeing is not encouraged and acted on, many key organisational performance factors can be negatively impacted.

Reports say keeping an eye on, and working towards, staff wellbeing can increase productivity, reduce mistakes and errors, conflict, grievance and disciplinary incidents, sickness and absenteeism, increase morale, ensure good customer services and quality, reduce resignations and terminations and give an improved employer reputation for all staff, customers and potential new recruits.

Jo Howarth, founder of The Happiness Club, said: “The most important relationship in any company is the one between employer and employee.

“Happy, healthy staff are more resilient and better able to problem solve. They are more creative, motivated and energetic. They make fewer mistakes and better decisions.

“A happy office environment, where staff feel appreciated and valued, is one where people thrive. And thriving people make a thriving, efficient and productive business.”

Peter Masters

Peter Masters