Changes in legislation are making it easier to convert redundant farm buildings into other uses without planning permission, according to a Shropshire planning expert.
David Brammer, a partner at Shropshire law firm Lanyon Bowdler, will be discussing the topic at a seminar, emphasising that it is vital to gain advice on all matters relating to farm building conversion schemes.
David is head of planning at Lanyon Bowdler and will be talking to chartered surveyors as part of the RICS ‘Continuing Professional Development’ (CPD) Foundation, which aims to raise professional standards in property and related industries, at The Feathers, Ludlow, on March 22.
The seminar will focus on applications to local planning authorities, changes to permitted development rights, and cases where the new permitted development rights do not apply, as well as specific case law updates.
The event will include a networking opportunity before the start of the session.
David said: “The changes in legislation have been much welcomed by landowners as well as the Government’s revised guidance issued in April 2014, after the original guidance was criticised for allowing councils too much discretion, which resulted in many applications being refused.
“There are many farm buildings which are not being used but have the potential to be developed into something which could help build a farm business and lead to diversification.
“However, farmers and landowners should still proceed with caution and make sure they have all the facts available.
“I am delighted to have been asked to share my knowledge with the CPD Foundation and very much look forward to meeting its members.”
Lanyon Bowdler has offices in Shrewsbury, Telford, Oswestry, Ludlow and Hereford, and employs more than 200 staff covering all legal specialisms.
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