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Police welcome increased use of tracking devices on farm machinery
09 Oct 2017
by Kirsty Smallman

Thieves hitting farms and rural properties across Shropshire are being deterred by a boom in the use of trackers, security experts said today.

Bosses at Bulldog Security Products said police had also welcomed the ‘tracker crackdown’ which had seen the devices playing a major role in combating the lucrative trade of farm machinery thefts.

Police forces are actively involved in championing and recommend fitting trackers in a new crime-fighting strategy.

Trackers are a simple but highly effective way of preventing your vehicle from being stolen or, if it is, you have a much better chance of getting it back and the thief arrested.

Bulldog Security Products, based in Much Wenlock, have been providing and fitting tracker devices on all types of vehicles for many years and managing director Ian Jordan urged farmers to take action themselves to ensure the security of their machinery.

“This initiative by Warwickshire Police, which is now partnered with our own local West Mercia force, has already been successful. The force has been actively using trackers in an operation to cut rural crime,” he said.

“Police have joined forces with NFU Mutual and the National Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service in the campaign, which has already resulted in equipment being recovered and arrests made.

“Farm machinery is very costly and when you factor in the inconvenience and disruption caused by equipment being stolen it is clear you need to take steps to protect yourself and your property.

“The Warwickshire Police operation is highly commendable but police resources are becoming more limited as continual budget cuts take their toll, so it’s important for farmers to take responsibility for their own crime prevention – the tracker is an ideal place to start.

“They can help by catching the thief in the act but are also proving to be a vital aid in deterring the crime from taking place in the first place, as thieves are now aware of the device and having to accord it some respect.

“The message to the thief is clear, we now have the technology and the capability of stopping you, so beware.

“Here at Bulldog we recommend farmers ensure all their machinery carries a tracking device. It is something potential victims of crime can do to help themselves in this ongoing battle with the criminal.

“Of course, it’s not just farm machinery that can be protected and we recommend trackers be fitted on all vehicles – even those new vehicles which may have a tracking device fitted as standard.

“By fitting a second tracker the thief, who may have become wise to where makers fit their devices, can be taken off-guard by the additional device and not even look for it.

“At Bulldog we have a range of trackers which can be fitted easily and our team are ready to help with any enquiries and advice.

“Let’s give the police a helping hand by taking crime prevention seriously and try and make it impossible for the thief to succeed.”

For more information about Bulldog Security Products and their tracking devices, telephone the team on 01952 728171 or visit Bulldog Tracking.