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Peppa had a splashing time at Theatre Severn… and the two boys did too.
20 Mar 2014
by Rebecca Dutton

By Kirsty Smallman

Peppa PigBeing a mother to a four-year-old and a two-year-old my husband and I can’t pass any Peppa Pig toys or promotional material without an “I want” from one of them.

So when producers of Peppa Pig’s Big Splash live show announced it was arriving at Shrewsbury’s Theatre Severn I knew it was a show I would not get away with missing. So after my husband John finished work early and a treat for Archie to finish nursery early, the four of us were on our way to the 4.30pm show.

So last week my boys were able to add Peppa to their portfolio of children’s theatre shows they have seen – Roary, Bob The Builder, Fireman Sam – the list goes on.

But this show, which attracted a sell-out audience at two performances, was a little different as rather than the cast dressed as the youngster’s most-loved characters in larger than life costumes the cast were donning cute hand puppets.

It was much better than any other of the children’s shows we have been to and left Archie shouting at the stage, singing, dancing and loving the games, songs and obligatory water pistols, whilst Eddie continued in his pattern of sitting in silence for the full show – he gets star struck and never speaks a word until he gets outside when he tell us he loved it.

The show which included popular children’s themes including the school fete and of course splashing in muddy puddles was given a thumbs up by my two boys who were asking what we were seeing next before we’d even got out of the theatre.

So if my two sons can fit anything else in their packed social diary, we will no doubt be booking our tickets for Bananas in Pyjamas; How To Catch A Star; Old MacDonald Had a Farm and my all time favourite The Sooty Show.

For full details on the programme at Theatre Severn visit www.theatresevern.co.uk or call 01743 281281 and to find out what other venues are included in the tour visit www.peppapiglive.com.

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