Sixteen-year-old Abbie Phillips, a student at New College Telford, joined the J&PR team this week on work experience.
She is studying for a media qualification and has an interest in photography, art and music.
She attended today’s Telford & Wrekin WiRE network meeting with account manager Lorna McCann and has reflected on what it was like to be in a room full of successful, female business owners and entrepreneurs in her blog here:
As a 16-year-old New College student, I was both curious and anxious about attending this event, seeing as I knew very little about the organisation and its purpose.
Once we arrived at the Telford Innovation Campus, I was instantly greeted by a very friendly woman named Lena Churm, who is the Telford & Wrekin Wire Network Leader. Once I had made myself a drink and we all sat down, we were introduced to the guest speaker Sandra Owen, who runs her own Creative Personal Development programme Gifted Life that helps you gain many skills, and gets you connected with your imaginative side.
As a former Art student, I found I connected very easily to the topic, and was keen to know everything about her course. She covered many things throughout the two hours, from her personal life story that made her start up the company, right up to where she feels she’s at currently with both life and her business.
We completed many tasks, the main one being “The Awesomeness Award” where we were asked to list five things we felt we were good at. Hearing everyone’s lists at the end made me feel deeply inspired, and also gave me a dose of confidence about mine.
Overall I found this event to be an amazing, exciting learning curve that I’ll not forget. Sandra has definitely made me think in more depth about my future career, and where I would like to go. Definitely an eye opening experience I am glad to have had!