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J&PR's May highlights!
31 May 2022
by Team J&PR

Where has May gone? It feels like it was just last week we were choosing our highlights for Apri! This month we’ve enjoyed a train ride, a trip to Portugal, a couple of birthdays and the list goes on. It has been another busy month, and you can read more about the team's best moments below…

Kirsty’s personal highlight was finally being able to see her son sing at Young Voices in Birmingham which was delayed due to Covid. Well done to all pupils from Lawley Primary School - another proud mum and Governor moment for Kirsty!

Seeing our team enjoy the office and the culture of J&PR as we grow with new clients month on month has been the professional highlight for Kirsty.

What can we say? We make a great team!

So did our co-director have as much fun as Kirsty? 

Rhea enjoyed spending her half term with friends and family at the Welsh coast, which was much needed to recuperate from her busy week ahead of Shropshire County Show where once again she enjoyed her role as a trustee of West Mid Showground.

For Rhea her professional highlight was easy to choose; we have worked with the Shropshire and West Midlands Agricultural Society for more than 10 years and Rhea really appreciated seeing the Shropshire County Show restored to its former glory after the pandemic and to see thousands of people coming together to learn about the rural community.

Not footy again!

Si’s professional highlight has been the countdown to that very event taking place at the West Mid Showground. It's always really busy and hectic, and Si said it reminds him of his previous life as a reporter at the Shropshire Star with lots of deadlines and the odd bit of panic - of course he always ends up delivering on time, though!Si’s personal highlight has also involved plenty of panic - continuing the football theme from last month, his team Nottingham Forest made it to the Championship Play-off Final, after winning the semi-final in an unbelievably tense penalty shoot-out, which he still hasn't recovered from. The celebrations continued for Si as he celebrated his beloved team beat Huddersfield 1- 0 in the Play-off Final to see them move up to the Premiership at long last. We haven't seen Si in the office since the game, so we presume he's still recovering from his hangover!


The thoughts of two Freyas!

Freya M had no trouble choosing a personal highlight this month, as she celebrated her birthday in Portugal. What could be better? Freya spent the day at the beach drinking mojitos and eating fresh fish… we were definitely expecting more pictures and bragging than there was!

As her professional highlight, Freya chose going to our first book club meeting! It was fantastic having an excuse to get reading again - a pastime she says she has long neglected due to being busy working on her house. She loved discussing the book Purple Cow by Seth Goden over coffee and cake with Rhea, Sophie and Freya at Gratitude Cafe.

Want to know what we thought about Purple Cow? Check out the blog Freya wrote about it.

Freya R went to Oswestry with Sophie to celebrate HR Dept's fourth birthday, which happened to be her first networking event! Sophie and Freya got on a beautiful old-fashioned train, thanks to Cambrian Heritage Railways, from Oswestry town centre to Stone House Brewery, where Freya enjoyed getting to meet everyone and finally being able to put faces to names and stories. (She also thoroughly enjoyed her pork bap!)

Outside of work Freya is back at the gym after the reboot of boot-camp with The Wellness Warrior Sophie and the team! She’s enjoying the routine and support from the staff and fellow gym goers who make up the wonderful community at her local JD gym.


Party, prison, swimming, wedding, birthday and a bus pass - what a strange combo!

Sophie enjoyed an amazing weekend in Shrewsbury this month with her boyfriend and his family at the Shropshire Party in the Park Saturday May 21st, then escaping from Shrewsbury Prison on the Sunday before refuelling on a delicious Beefy Boys! She has also completed her Move More in May challenge of swimming 20 miles in the month for The Movement Centre, which she is super proud of as it really pushed her physically and mentally. She raised over £500!

We are unbelievably proud of her, you can still donate here!

For her professional highlight, Sophie has chosen… just working! This month has been jam-packed full of client meetings, new projects, networking and school events for Sophie, who has embraced every second of it. A special mention also goes to our new branded J&PR jumpers, which you’ll now find her in far too often. 

Dani’s personal highlight was finally attending her friend’s wedding! It had been rearranged from August 2020 and Dani loved being able to get dressed up and go to a celebration, dancing, talking to friends and meeting new people.

Dani’s been enjoying continuing her tour of the world from the office with interviews for our client Jesmonite! This month she has spoken to people in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Barcelona and Bahrain. Not only do they all have great stories to tell, it’s also so enriching speaking to these people and hearing about the worldwide impact of Jesmonite. Oh and she’s also loved getting her ‘cracking’ J&PR branded clothes!

For Tony’s professional highlight, he was thrilled to hear about how the youngsters at St John’s First School in Bishops Wood are benefitting from their new outdoor learning area thanks to a £7k donation from Bradford Estates.

Tony also celebrated his birthday this month, he’s making the most of his long awaited bus pass after hitting 66!

It has been another busy month for the J&PR team, let’s hope June’s highlights are full of sunshine too!