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Dani's Confessions of Lockdown
26 Feb 2021
by Dani Wozencroft

There are many confessions from lockdown. Not seeing anyone for quite some time can drive you a little barmy. Here are the confessions PR Account Manager Dani is willing to share…

Crockery. Has anyone else been accidentally smashing so much more crockery than they usually would? I’ve got through a fair few more mugs, plates and bowls than I would normally in a year. What I save on petrol not driving to the office, I’m going to be spending on replacement crockery when the shops reopen.

Stupidity. The stupidity I have displayed as lockdown has got to me has been quite impressive at times. You may know, as well as working at J&PR I am a teacher of journalism. In recent weeks I have called a student my daughter’s name (daughter is 1, student is 27, there is no connection at all) and booked an exam during half term. That went down well with my students. But it’s not like they have anything else to do...

Fringe. I have come to the conclusion that I am no longer qualified to maintain a fringe. Also - face shields and fringes, they don’t mix. There once was a time where my fringe only got in the way during a skiing holiday. Now, daily teaching in a face shield (when we were face to face) and a lack of getting it cut (I have been politely asked by hairdressers not to do it myself in the past) means the 15 year old fringe is gone.

I don’t move much. It's a running joke in the J&PR office about how bad I am at making tea (and now my husband says it at home too). I can be guilty of just sitting at the table at 8.45am and not moving until I finish for the day. I’m now actively trying to get up and move every now and then.  Even if it's to get a change of pen. Even if I don't need it.

Cards. Each January I go to a card shop and I buy all my cards for the year. It’s something that Kirsty has been in awe of in the past. That really paid off last year, for sure. I’m really struggling with not doing it this January and I only have enough cards to last until the mid March birthdays. This is something I’m really stressing about. Of all the things to stress about, I need to calm down.

Joggers. I got my first ever pair of jogging bottoms for Christmas. Never have I known such comfort. Why I have missed out on these all my life? I’ve been wearing coarse and restrictive jeans for decades, when I could have been in jogging bottoms! Also very helpful for a smart up top/joggers down below Zoom meeting.

Clock. I now consider my kitchen clock to be my most prized possession. I’m not really one for possessions anyway, but before lockdown I didn’t realise just how important my kitchen clock is. As the background to all online lessons, meetings and anything visual, it is now unashamedly my most prized possession.

Computer games. They’re actually ok. I admit it, I am the mum who spent 3 hours playing a computer game on one of the first days of homeschooling. It was bad parenting and bad teaching but pretty damn good computer gaming! We completed 3 levels. Ben 10 on the Wii is a must, by the way.

I ache. As many others do I am sure, I actually ache to embrace my mum, dad, nans, brothers, in laws (yes, they’re awesome too). To comfort my family for everything they have been through over the past year. To meet my new nephew (who is almost 1) and new niece who I’ve never held. It will come. And hopefully I’ll have less to confess in the days when it does come!