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Jane Austen comes to Theatre Severn
29 Sep 2015
by Dani Wozencroft
Like many teenage girls I read Pride and Prejudice, I watched the film and I fell in love with Jane Austen.
I then went on to read other Austen novels and watch the film adaptations – but I never had the chance to see any on the stage.
So when I spotted that Emma was on at Theatre Severn in Shrewsbury I felt it was about time I completed the other medium in which to enjoy an Austin story.
The show, on Friday next week (October 9), follows Emma Woodhouse –  a handsome, clever and rich woman with a comfortable home and happy disposition. She’s also a bit of a meddler and begins to embark on a hobby of matchmaking – but spins a web she is not sure she can get out of. How good is she at this matchmaking business?
In my day I also tried to matchmake my friends in the school playground – ok, it wasn’t 17th century England (how old do you think I am!?) but we made them hold hands behind the year seven portable building acting as a classroom.
My vision is a stage full of antique furniture, big floral dresses and the Queen’s English, but with a twist of naughtiness and humour.
And it seems others have enjoyed the show too.
Reviews on the Theatre Severn website read:
Following on from Persuasion – “pure theatre magic” ****The Stage and David Copperfield – “Superb … a master class in stage adaptation” BBC Radio, Hotbuckle return to the stage with Austen’s most perfect novel.
This performance will be by Hotbuckle, with a trademark ensemble style. For more information on the production company visit http://www.hotbuckle.co.uk/.
Find out more details about the performance at Theatre Severn here: https://www.theatresevern.co.uk/shows/drama/emma/.
And i’ll be sure to bring you my review after the show.