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Helping Shropshire businesses reach their digital potential
02 Jun 2017
by Kirsty Smallman

For businesses battling for a share of a very competitive marketplace, digital PR and social media are becoming vital tools to help promote your brand, products and services – not to mention drive website traffic and generate leads and sales.

That’s why we’ve set a date for our next digital PR and social media training course, which will be held at the University Centre in Shrewsbury on September 19th 2017.

The course will cover such things as press release writing – the key things to remember, as well as how to host events, network and much, much more.

On top of this we’ll take a look at the various social media channels and how you can reach a targeted audience, raising the likes of your Facebook page or Twitter followers by sharing unique and engaging content.

You’ll also get the chance to understand how to create a detailed PR and blog plan as well as social media schedule which will make you and your business a force in the digital landscape.

The course starts at 10:30am and runs until 4:30pm. If you’d like to register your interest or book on at the early bird rate of £75 + VAT then you can do so via the Facebook event or contact Kirsty Smallman – kirsty@jandpr.com

We want to give you the tools to promote your business effectively – people need to know who you are and what you do both in print, online news channels and through social media.

The course is tailor made to those in the room and very practical – we get you working and set you tasks so that you’re using your new found knowledge to best effect.

Make sure you bring those iPads and laptops with you and don’t forget your social media usernames and passwords!

Please feel free to share this with your networks and any business associates who might be interested and we look forward to seeing you in September.