What's happening?

Friendly Neighbours
30 Mar 2016
by Rhea Alton

A community charity in Shrewsbury is holding a coffee morning with a variety of free entertainment on offer to raise awareness about the support it provides for people.

North Shrewsbury Friendly Neighbours is inviting everyone to the event at Bagley Sports and Social Club in Greenfields on Tuesday 5 April from 10.30am to 12.30pm.

There will be a variety of local groups and organisations attending with stalls and information, as well as a visit from a Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service fire engine, a Community Support Officer with a police car, the Mayor and Mayoress of Shrewsbury, Councillor Miles Kenny and Aurona Kenny, and Steve Cunningham from Shropshire Council.

There will also be plenty to keep the children entertained with storytelling from Kath Saunders, of Born for Brilliant Books, and a special kids corner including face painting and other activities.

Entry will be £1, including refreshments, and is free for children.

Julie Thomas, of North Shrewsbury Friendly Neighbours, said: “We are hoping plenty of people come along and enjoy the morning.

“It’s a great chance to find out what we do – our volunteers help with the everyday tasks like taking people shopping or just popping in for a cup of tea and a chat, which is so important for people living on their own.

“Other groups will be here too, so I would really recommend people to come along if they need support or have family members who might not be as independent as they used to be.”

For more information about North Shrewsbury Friendly Neighbours, call 01743 235505 or visit the website at www.nsfn.org.uk

Friendly neighbours enjoying a hot drink