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Father and son team tackle half marathon for charity
05 Oct 2015
by Simon Alton

A father and son from a Shropshire taxi firm are swapping their steering wheels for running shoes as they tackle their first half-marathon together to raise money for Cancer Research.

Steve Shaw and his 25-year-old son Brett, of Shrewsbury and Telford, are taking on the Birmingham Great Run – a 13-mile course around the city, which will be the furthest either of them have run before.

It will be a far cry from their day job – both men work at one of Shropshire’s largest taxi firms, Go Carz, Steve as minibus manager and Brett as a driver.

Steve said: “I turn 50 later this year and I’ve set myself a target of running a marathon when I’m 50, so if the Birmingham run goes well I’m going to do a full-blown marathon next.

“We decided to do the Birmingham Great Run for two reasons really – firstly to raise money for a great cause, and secondly to give us motivation to get into shape because you don’t get a huge amount of exercise in our job.

“Cancer Research is a charity close to our hearts because we have had family members and friends affected by cancer, so we know how important the charity is.”

The pair have set themselves a target of £750 to raise, and the run takes place on October 18.

Steve added: “Everyone at Go Carz has been very supportive and the company is donating a good amount of money to the cause, but we are hoping to raise as much as we possibly can.

“We have been doing a lot of training together so we hope the run will go well.”

To donate, visit the Just Giving website at www.justgiving.com/steve-shaw5

Steve and Brett Shaw

Steve and Brett Shaw