Shropshire residents are being asked to think ahead and make sure they have any medication they need ahead of the festive period.
Adding ‘medication’ to your pre-Christmas shopping list will reduce the impact on the already stretched medical services – as well as limiting any unnecessary extra stress for patients who might run out of much-needed medicines over Christmas.
Martin Lunt, managing director of Lunts Pharmacies, said staff at all branches across Shrewsbury, Craven Arms and Pontesbury are ready and waiting to help customers before Christmas.
“We completely understand that the run-up to Christmas is one of the busiest times of year for a lot of people. There’s so much to think about with presents, food and parties,” he said.
“We want to make sure that people don’t forget about the real essentials – like their medication.
“The much valued and used Shropdoc service will take huge amounts of emergency calls over Christmas, and we want to help reduce that load by asking people to sort out repeat prescriptions beforehand.
“So many people forget and then run out over Christmas which causes them undue stress and worry because shops and pharmacies aren’t always open, they might not be able to immediately access their medication.
“We would urge everyone to think ahead this year and help make Christmas a little less stressful for yourselves and our health service.”
Mr Lunt said it was also important that people think of older family members, or neighbours who may not be able to get out and about themselves.
“If you know of someone who needs daily medication or medical supplies just ask them ahead of time if they will have enough to see them through Christmas,” he added.
Christmas Day this year falls on a Tuesday so services will operate as usual on Christmas Eve.
Opening hours at Lunts Pharmacies across the rest of the Christmas period will remain unchanged but stores will be closed on December 25 and 26 as well as January 1.
Patients are urged to get into their local pharmacies as soon as possible to guarantee they get what they need.
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