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Deadline looming to book trade stands at Staffordshire County Show
07 Apr 2017
by Kirsty Smallman

The deadline is looming for people to book a trade stand at this year’s Staffordshire County Show.

More than 65,000 visitors are expected through the gates over the half term two day event on May 31 and June 1 and organisers are reminding people that having a trade stand at the event is an ideal way of showcasing their business.

The family focussed show, which is held at the Showground on Weston Road, always promises so many things to see and do and the added bonus of being held during the half-term holiday means youngsters also enjoy a packed programme of activity.

Bosses said this year’s event has a marvellous variety of attractions in the main arena and other areas around the Showground. The main site also plays host to up to 400 trade stands and limited places are available.

Show Secretary Holly Hobson said: “We will be accepting applications up to April 30 but time is moving on and that is only the end of next month. It is important to remind people of the deadline so they don’t miss out.

“Time moves very quickly and April 30 will be upon us before you know it. The earlier people get their applications in the better the stand position they are allocated – it is first come first served!

“We have already had many businesses book stands with us and there will be a wide range of trades being promoted at the show for visitors to look at.

“Farming is always well represented and there will be stands featuring the very latest equipment on offer to the industry.

“There will be several charity stands, including Cats Protection and the Dogs Trust, a number of car dealerships and retailers who will be promoting the latest vehicles, private and commercial that are available, and talented people from the crafts industry keen to show off what they have to offer.

“We will have a stand from the Staffordshire Adoption & Fostering Service, the Women’s Institute, the legal and financial services professions and South Staffordshire College, the show’s main sponsor, who will be on hand to explain full and part-time courses, including apprenticeships and traineeships.

“The trade stands are a bit like the show itself – there is something to see to suit everybody over the two days.”

This year’s show offers visitors the chance to see a varied programme in the Main Ring. The Bolddog Lings Motorcycle Display Team will be thrilling the crowds with their stunts both days.

Other sights not to be missed in the Main Ring include show jumping, a parade of horses and other livestock, hounds and beagles, the Mounted Games Association and a Vintage Machinery Parade.

The Country Pursuits area has a Sheep Show, donkey rides and an amazing animal experience for the children where they can get close to and pet a range of animals including sheep, rabbits and cavies.

There will be a falconry display, ferret roadshow, fly casting demonstration, The Quack Pack Sheepdog & Duck Display and a range of country crafts available to look at and make.

The show also boasts a Food Hall with cookery demonstrations from top chefs from The Lewis Partnership, an antiques fair, painting competition for children, a craft fair and Woodfest, where visitors can get close to nature in the wooded area just off the Showground.

Details regarding the range of trade stand opportunities on offer are available in the Trade Stand Information Booklet and details of prices can be found on the trade stand application form. Both the booklet and the form can be accessed via the website www.staffscountyshowground.co.uk

For further information please contact Holly Hobson by telephoning 01785 258060 or email holly@staffscountyshowground.co.uk