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David Van Day Tooth Tucker Trial!
06 Nov 2014
by Rhea Alton

Guest blog by Perfect Profiles

As ITV prepares to screen its 14th series of I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, former jungle star at Perfect Profiles ambassador David Van Day has been busy with his very own ‘tooth tucker trial’.

David devised the challenge himself to test out his new dental implants which we fitted earlier this year at our clinic in Houghton Regis.

It involved him eating his way through a variety of food from crunchy apples to crispy baguettes and chilled chocolate – far more palatable than the beasts and bugs that will await the 2014 jungle contestants.

David has even filmed his ‘tucker’ trial to create a fun video to demonstrate how pleased he his with the implants so take a look on the website.

Several months ago David admitted to us he really struggled to eat some foods because of problems with his teeth – something a lot of people find as they reach their 60s.

He was nervous about biting into a hard apple in case one of his teeth came loose or worse still fell out and so like many of our patients he was missing out on some of his favourite foods.

But as the tucker challenge proves his new implants have given him confidence to eat what he wants when he wants.

Our dentists take great pride in being able to restore that confidence in patients so they can enjoy life.

We offer free consultations and a range of treatments to suit everyone so why not book an appointment and you could be doing your own tucker trial in no time.

To view the video click on the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0h__LDhup0

J&PR are a Shropshire PR agency covering Shrewsbury, Telford, north Shropshire, south Shropshire and parts of Mid and North Wales. As well as working with businesses, organisations and events across the region on PR campaigns J&PR run regular DIY PR Training Courses and DIY Digital PR Training Courses at venues in the county.