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Charity ball tickets reminder
18 May 2017
by Simon Alton

People are being urged to help raise money for charity by getting their tickets for a glittering ball being held in Shropshire.

All proceeds from the ball and awards night at Shrewsbury Town’s Greenhous Meadow on June 24 will go to Climbing Out – a charity aimed at changing the lives of young people.

Climbing Out organises outward bound schemes for youngsters dealing with life-changing illness or injuries.

Tickets for the evening are already on sale but organisers are reminding people about the event and asking them to get involved to make a huge difference to the lives of so many youngsters.

Kelda Wood, of Climbing Out, said it would be the second year an awards evening had been held and she was really keen to get as many people there on the night to help with the fundraising.

She said: “Tickets are £35 and available by emailing keldawood@climbingout.org.uk or by visiting our website at www.climbingout.org.uk

“The ticket price includes a three-course meal and we will have a live band, Sonic Boom, to dance to, so it promises to be a great evening.

“It is a very important night for us and for the young people we help. The ball is only a month away now so we thought it was important to remind people of the date and what we are trying to achieve.

“Awards will be presented on the night to youngsters who have been involved in the Climbing Out programmes and inspired others with what they have achieved.

“We are hoping to make it a great night out and also an inspiration for those attending.”

Shropshire’s largest private hire firm Go Carz will be the event’s main sponsor but other firms and businesses are being asked to get involved as well and if anyone is interested they can email Kelda, visit the website or telephone 07977 574785.

More than 200 young people from across the country have been on Climbing Out courses and families and friends have already been nominating their choices for awards.

The categories include: the Outstanding Achievement Award, Fundraiser of the Year and the Overcoming Adversity Award.

Kelda added: “Everything is now in place for a great night in aid of a wonderful cause. We just need to make every effort to sell as many tickets as we can to help some very special youngsters.”